Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Netiquette Esentialls


 I made this infographic by my own! Our teacher asked us to make an infographic about some topics he chose. I decided to go with netiquette thinking that it would be more useful in the world we are living in, texting all the time. I thought it would be a lot harder to create it than it was. I used Canva to create it. There was so many templets to choose from which was good also, I used Canva before for some other projects, so I was able to express myself better. 

 While thinking about what to write in the infographic I mostly used what i had in my mind from the classes we take, I checked my notes where i felt trapped. If I still was in the middle about something I googled it to get ideas which helped a lot not only in the ideas department but also so i can get a little out of my head and think.

 In general, I think I enjoyed this homework more than I thought I would. We as students tend to not like homework. But i honestly enjoyed doing this one and asking my friends about design ideas, showing our designs to one another. It was a fun experience. I also think that infographics are a more fun way of learning information then simply reading. Let's hope that this one would help a person or two.

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