Friday, June 7, 2024

The Last Hurrah!!

 As I wrap up this term, I find myself reflecting deeply on my experiences and the significant growth I’ve had in understanding technology integration in English Language Teaching (ELT). This course has been an eye-opening journey, transforming my perspective on the role of technology in education.

An Interview From The Past


This week, I had an assignment that blended historical with modern technology. The task was to conduct an interview with a historical figure using AI and then write a blog post about the experience. As someone fascinated by the complex and dramatic stories of the past, I chose to interview Anne Boleyn, the enigmatic second wife of King Henry VIII and mother of Queen Elizabeth I. Anne Boleyn's legacy is profound, not just as the mother of one of England's greatest monarchs but as a woman who navigated the perilous waters of the Tudor court with grace and intelligence.

I had a lot fun while talking with this historical figure and assuming what she was going to say.  I believe this was a fun homework to give to students it lets them learn about historical characters while having fun. When I became a teacher, I would definitely give an assignment similar to this, I think it would help to further their English while having fun. Though I think the last part with the feedback was unnecessary. I think it added some unimportant steps to an already long assignment. and we as future English teacher are capable of feedbacking ourselves.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

You should not miss this movie!!!

Our Review

 This week me and my classmates had an assignment to write a film review with collaboration. Said collaboration being        co-writing the review with friends and then getting feedback from another group. If you want to check out my friends' blogs here their blogs:

 Zeynep's Blog   

 Elif's Blog

 I think google docs is a great website for collaborative writing. You can all write on the same document and then write comments on it which makes it great for homework's who needs to be written together. 

So as a teacher I think google docs would be great to recommend to students. But I think making this assignment as a film review was not the best choice because I see as film viewing and commenting to be more of a personal activity. But that is just my idea.I still enjoyed my time while doing the homework. Rewatching this awesome film again was quite good and my friends helping me to write my part of the review was good.

Check Our Review Underneath The Film Poster

Friday, May 10, 2024

We can move a step forward in protecting our planet

 This week we had an assigment to create a digital story. Me and my friends chose to make a public service announcement also called PSA. Our PSA is about how straws impact the world and the life within it. We mention how harmfull it is and what we can do to stop it. 

While doing the assignment decided to break it into three parts and to do each part alone and then combine them. While doing this we asked eachother for help and ideas. Which as quite helpfull. Although I thoutgh the editing part was a bit hard to do without any prior knowledge.

If I do become a teacher I think this would be a bit hard of an assignment to give to my students but it may be a good way of teaching them group work. Because for you to be able to decide on a subject and then chose who is going to do which part you need to have good communication skills.

Check our PSA here

Also I recomend checking my teammates' blogs:

Zeynep's Blog

Elif's Blog

Sunday, April 14, 2024

One Minute Idea to Improve the World

 As a part of our assignment this week we made a podcast! The assignment I chose was telling you about an idea to improve the world in one minute. My idea was to have a community garden in every neighborhood to help people in need and make people connect through an activity. I came out with this idea while brainstorming with my friend, it took as a while to come up with meaningful idea but at the end I decided on this. Because having a community garden which also helps people would be fun.

 I decided to not write a script because being tied up to certain words while explaining myself sounds restraining to me. I though going with what feels right to me at the moment would be more natural and more like a podcast. It took me some time to express myself how I wanted to and at the end I decided to merge some of the good tries together to create an even better podcast. This assignment was good for hearing myself speak English which doesn't happen often. So, I think giving students assignments like this would be a great way for them to hear and correct themselves. If I become a teacher, I may think of assigning my students with a similar homework. 

                                                      click here to listen to my podcast

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Netiquette Esentialls


 I made this infographic by my own! Our teacher asked us to make an infographic about some topics he chose. I decided to go with netiquette thinking that it would be more useful in the world we are living in, texting all the time. I thought it would be a lot harder to create it than it was. I used Canva to create it. There was so many templets to choose from which was good also, I used Canva before for some other projects, so I was able to express myself better. 

 While thinking about what to write in the infographic I mostly used what i had in my mind from the classes we take, I checked my notes where i felt trapped. If I still was in the middle about something I googled it to get ideas which helped a lot not only in the ideas department but also so i can get a little out of my head and think.

 In general, I think I enjoyed this homework more than I thought I would. We as students tend to not like homework. But i honestly enjoyed doing this one and asking my friends about design ideas, showing our designs to one another. It was a fun experience. I also think that infographics are a more fun way of learning information then simply reading. Let's hope that this one would help a person or two.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Not Going With The Flow

 In the new era we live in, just going to school and going with the flow are not enough. Therefore, 21st century skills are essential in today's world in order to survive as a person. They are taken into consideration under three categories: learning, literacy and life skills.

I think these skills are important for students in order to find jobs. It's getting harder each day to differentiate yourself in this new day and age, having these skills would be worthwhile in a student's life and make them succeed more in their life.

In an era, which technology is widely used. It would be a shame if we as teachers are not making use of it. Using it would make are classes more dynamic and more fun to be in, as a student. Also, it would prepare our students to the real world which has technology behind every corner. So that they wouldn't be surprised going into the "real world".

All things taken into consideration, I think these skills should be taught in school and taken more seriously by teachers around the world. And this is going to happen by us oncoming teachers understanding these skills and teaching them to our students .