Thursday, May 23, 2024

You should not miss this movie!!!

Our Review

 This week me and my classmates had an assignment to write a film review with collaboration. Said collaboration being        co-writing the review with friends and then getting feedback from another group. If you want to check out my friends' blogs here their blogs:

 Zeynep's Blog   

 Elif's Blog

 I think google docs is a great website for collaborative writing. You can all write on the same document and then write comments on it which makes it great for homework's who needs to be written together. 

So as a teacher I think google docs would be great to recommend to students. But I think making this assignment as a film review was not the best choice because I see as film viewing and commenting to be more of a personal activity. But that is just my idea.I still enjoyed my time while doing the homework. Rewatching this awesome film again was quite good and my friends helping me to write my part of the review was good.

Check Our Review Underneath The Film Poster

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